Hello, I am JB Lukhausen and I have written a book.
That is me over there to the right, I am weird. LOL!
Hey, ya know, I just write stuff, ya know?
I used to art and art all day and now I write and write all day, so I'm guessing I'm a writer.
Bummer though to make a website for a book
only to realize I should have already made one for my art. Most x-rated popup book ever? Naw.
The shortest I can make this is that I'm a forty six year old "artist" with no degrees in anything. I'm just creative and motivated. That being said I have no sense of proper anything or business formalities. Creative, yes. Super freaking creative.
Ah yes. It is true and it is something to consider before you go any further; I'm sorta a free speech absolutist. In a sense. I cuss a lot. LOL!
Basically I'm a burnout artist tirader with just enough literary culturing to toss up fairly captivating word salads.

Then 2020 happened and all my speculative insanities and emotional oddessys became more than just tin hat rambles, they became hypnotic.
Not gonna lie tho, legit I'm currently a homebound loser, lonely and channeling my frustrations into something. I'm making some worth for myeslf, ya know? We live in a time of esoteric capital so hey, if journalism or literature has slid right on down the slippery slope with everything else, hey, why not?
Why no schooling? Why no degree? Why no motivation to transcend all the trappings of a plebeian world where I "Cuss a lot"?
My life just got too mess up! Srsly.

Once everything happened and stuff I was, like, alone and totally not equipped to accomplish anything. Thus all of my racing thoughts and obsessive emotional roundabouts had to be focused and had to be satisfied. Writing filled the void, yadda, yadda, yadda, legit I'm a soundrel.
I laugh! I'm a huge hack, so what.

In conclusion, for better or worse, I'm just "some guy" with no credentials or formal schooling of any type. The whole entire point of free speech was that it blanced out monlithic, capitalism driven motive as norm. Free people could at the very least express their opinions and viewpoints without needing credentials as experts or moral-profit imperatives. Essentially I wrote stuff because I could. What have I been doing all my life?
Art is all I have to show for it. That and lots of hippy stories, thousands of empty pot bags strewn throughout the world's landfills and some understanding of writing.

Explaining who I am and why I'm an author at all does indeed sound like a story for gas money on a street corner. Lucky for me, though I do lack a long list of accolades and degrees, writing speaks for itself. Sure, I had a good dose of the classics back in the day and fairly good literature and creative writing teachers in high school. I was a visual artist then and I'm a visual artist now but writing is the thing that connects me to our world the most. Gives me a more complete sense of satisfaction in my work. Though I like art, writing is better for me and gives me the best chance of making something more of myself out of the nothing that I currently, unfortunately am.

I digress. I'm just fluffing up the edginess to add a little mystery to my image. Whether the world knows it or not it needs a mysterious edgy weirdo spewing edgy weirdo guy stuff. This is also something I thought would be important to mention; as a writer I am an artist.
What I do is render a montage of life experience, ya know? Anything political or sociological that goes either way, good or bad, is purely the result of coincidence, effectively. Otherwise I just extract the immediate obvious truth from my existence and it's art. Now that picture of life experience may not always be pretty or something you can sustain looking at but it exists no matter what.

So yeah, I'm just an art busking sort of raver guy that just checked out of adulting for twenty or so years. Couch surfing with friends and family until the train wreck of 2020 came crashing down. Though I had tried writing a book before once all the isolation and turmoil was socially official, I knew that writing was the only option in life.
It was interesting to say the least. Don't worry though, I am, after all, human enough. I am self respecting and reasonably dignified, clean and keen to the ramifications of public self expression.
I can act like a professional even if I can't perform as one. I was a grifter for many years and always felt that at the very least I could offer them a good stroy. That is the writer I am; an artist of bad excusses and paranoid soliloquies.

Other than that, I have a general understanding of tech and the modern world and computers and politics and stuff. You can rely on me for two things: fantastic tales and those tales typed out.
Other than that, I like fishing, good coffee, hiking, bird watching, hardcore sex, drum and bass dance music and political debates.

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